All trysts will be at your hotel. When reserving a hotel, please be sure of the check in time. If the check in time is later than you would like to meet, please call the hotel and see if the are able to make earlier accommodations
For the safety and security of all parties, screening is required. While the specific details requested may vary among providers, formal screening is a standard practice that most clients complete when booking a new companion. Please understand that this process is in place to ensure mutual discretion, privacy, and peace of mind.
Any information you provide will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. To proceed with arranging our time together, I kindly ask that you are prepared with the following: a valid photo ID, a photo of you holding your ID, your phone number, email address, and a link to your active LinkedIn or social media account. You may omit your address on your ID.
Your approved verification is good for six months.